
Divine Goddess Yoni Steam

$ 100.00$ 195.00

Divine Goddess Yoni Steam is a unique blend of herbs including rose petals, lavender, and other herbs which cater to the womb health. It is a herbal blend used to steam the vagina that may help with cleansing, blood purifying, hydrating, disinfecting, giving digestive support, and regulating bleeding.

Yoni Steaming is also known as Vaginal Steaming. Yoni steaming is gently cleansing and healing your vagina by allowing the warmth to permeate the vagina, cervix, uterus, and entire reproductive system.

Do not Steam of pregnant or have an IUD.

Featured Ingredients: Rose Petals, Lavender Buds & Red Raspberry

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Small- Maximum Of 3 Uses $100, Large- Maximum Of 6 Uses $195

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